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Choosing and implementing single wave rate is the key to PON’s future

Choosing and implementing single wave rate is the key to PON’s future

Overview The wave of global broadband speeding has arrived. 4K/8K ultra-high definition video, virtual reality, smart home and Internet of Things applications will become part of people’s daily life and work. More and more countries have or plan to increase broadband access rates. . At present, more than 50 operators around the world are providing […]

10G PON network-The next-generation PON technologies

10G PON network-The next-generation PON technologies

PON and 10G PON Network With the rapid development of the broadband market, mainstream operators at home and abroad have already provided broadband access services based on PON bearers. The EPON standard initiated by IEEE and the GPON standard initiated by ITU have become the two mainstreams of PON technology. However, with the recent development […]

The Deployment Survey of 10G PON form Global Broadband Carrier

The Deployment Survey of 10G PON form Global Broadband Carrier

Introduction Broadbandtrends (BBT) recently conducted a broadband operator survey to investigate their 10G PON technology deployment plan. 10G PON provides operators with higher bandwidth and symmetric services while addressing the bandwidth, latency and densification requirements of emerging 5G networks. GPON is still the most popular FTTH technology today, but its bandwidth capabilities and asymmetry characteristics […]

RicherLink launches new product-RL8008ES OLT EPON

RicherLink launches new product-RL8008ES OLT EPON

Over the years, fiber-based access has proven to be a cost-effective way to reach customer premises to deliver managed business and residential services. The RicherLink 8008ES OLT EPON offers an exceptionally broad and scalable solution that gives network service providers a flexible and cost-effective approach for optical fiber access solutions over active or passive optical […]

The difference between NB-IOT and Lora

The difference between NB-IOT and Lora

NB-IOT and Lora Introduction The wireless technologies of the Internet of Things are mainly divided into two categories: (1) One type is short-distance communication technology such as Zigbee, Wifi, Bluetooth, Z-wave; (2) The other type is LPWAN, which is a low-power wide-area network. LPWAN can be divided into two categories: LoRa, SigFox, etc., which work […]

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